Our mission is to utilize the entire team’s compassion and expertise to provide the highest levels of comfort and quality outcomes for our patients, families and referring sources that we are privileged to serve.
About A1 Healthcare & A1 Home Health

Patient Centered Care. A unique plan of care specifically suited to his or her individual care needs shall be formulated and followed through on during the course of his or her treatment and adjusted when appropriate and necessary. All decisions will be based on what the right thing to do is based upon where the patient is at the time.
Partnership. We build and foster relationships with all of those involved in the care and comfort of your loved one. Whether it’s a primary care physician, discharge planner, board and care administrator or Durable Medical Equipment provider, we work to synergize and collaborate effectively with all parties involved.
Participation. For us to provide excellent service and remarkable care, we rely upon the caregivers, families and members of our interdisciplinary group to communicate with us the needs of our patients. We continually give and receive feedback to each other, especially when identifying changes of condition.
Privacy & Protection. We ensure strict adherence to respecting the rights and privacy of our patients and comply with HIPPA laws and regulations.
Privilege. To be involved in our patients’ lives and to offer them the dignity, comfort and quality of life that they deserve is life honoring and spiritually rewarding for us, too.
For assistance, let us know what’s going on here and we’ll be happy to contact you right away.